S4 E43: Catching Up with travel journalist Breanna Wilson
As we continue to celebrate the first anniversary of the Genius Womxn Podcast, I bring you a recent conversation with my fellow travel journalist and spirit-sister, Breanna Wilson.
Like me, Breanna lives an untraditional life. As a travel writer, content creator, tour designer running motorcycle tours in Mongolia, and with her sights set on being a motelier in Georgia (the country), Breanna is constantly creating a future that doesn’t look like the one she was told she had to have.
Breanna’s lifestyle is one that many people around the world don’t understand when they meet her — “But where is your husband? And your kids?” — nor is it one she would have ever expected to have.
Tune in to today’s recording of our Instagram Live session to hear what Breanna has been doing over the past year and what she plans on doing in the near future. From challenging the competitive nature of the travel journalism industry to pursuing entrepreneurship and taking over the world, you won’t want to miss this catch-up!
“Every day that I work, it doesn’t feel like I work, which is exactly what I wanted, exactly why I left my corporate job.”
“It’s not like I developed this lifestyle for a specific passion for writing; it’s a specific passion for just curiosity, I think.”
Want to know how you can start publishing your travel stories? Download my step-by-step guide to publishing your stories and start sending your ideas out into the world!
What you’ll learn in this episode:
[03:06] Celebrating the first anniversary of the Genius Womxn podcast by checking in with previous guests
[06:08] Where Breanna has spent the last year, and where she is now
[08:04] Why Breanna and Yulia are both passionate about sharing their experiences
[10:29] What the biggest draw to this lifestyle is: being in control of your time
[12:26] Why designing your life is the latest trend, and which priorities allow this
[13:51] The definition of an entrepreneur and why vision and bravery matter
[16:29] Speaking your plans out loud: keeping yourself accountable
[18:52] The differences between being a travel journalist and an entrepreneur
[22:23] How Breanna is creating space for womxn in the male-dominated motor world
[24:28] Seeing signs that support your vision
[27:30] The societal constraints we adhere to and how they affect pursuing your dreams
[31:04] Where Breanna wants her motel to be
[34:05] Yulia’s experience visiting a Bedouin community
[39:39] Why you should visit nomadic communities sooner rather than later
[40:49] Wrap-up: why not knowing what you’re doing shouldn’t stop you
Featured on the show:
Follow Breanna on Instagram | @breannajwilson
Check out Breanna’s website about traveling to Mongolia I meanwhileinmongolia.com
Listen to Episode 18: The Path to Freedom with Breanna Wilson.
Access Storytellers In Action first module for free until 11:59 PM Wednesday, November 24, 2021.
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[00:00:00] Breanna: these people see these places, but you see this thing that you realize most other people don't see and you want to show them that.
[00:00:07] And that's what I, I know you're doing. And I hope to do is to show people this side of a country that. It's hard. Otherwise it's not easily accessible. It's not easy to speak the language or get around. And I want to make it easy for people, especially women.
[00:00:24] Yulia: Welcome to the Genius Women Podcast. I'm your host, Yulia, Denisyuk, an award-winning travel photographer and writer with work in some incredible publications like National Geographic, AFAR magazine and more. And this year you see my name in places like Conde Nast Traveler. I'm on a mission to help other women who want to grow their trouble, storytelling, careers, go after their dreams while feeling supported, worthy, and bold. If you're ready to ditch your fear and doubts to the side, step into your brilliance and take action on your dreams. You're in the right place. Let's go.
[00:01:02] Our podcast has turned one year old last month. And in that time we've reached 10,000 downloads and counting to celebrate. We're bringing back some of our most beloved guests for a check-in to see what's changed for them. And what has stayed the same. So they I'm sharing with you. The conversation I recently had on Instagram live with Brianna Wilson, a trouble writer based in Mongolia and Georgia, who was our guest on season two.
[00:01:31] And if you haven't yet listened to that original episode, do check it out. Brianna shared with us, her journey of living her life in Los Angeles behind and becoming a travel writer. Brandon had this to say back then,
[00:01:45] Breanna: don't get discouraged if you don't meet that goal, or if you don't get that award or that assignment doesn't get picked up. It will happen if you just continue to learn from it and listen to, the feedback and yourself and don't be afraid to change that vision and readjust it to what's happening in your life and what you want to be happening.
[00:02:04] Yulia: in today's episode, we catch out with Brianna and learn more about what she's currently working on and what she's excited about. And don't forget, you still have time to access the sneak peek preview of my stories hours in action class and get the first module for free.
[00:02:20] When you register at geniuswomxn.co/sneakpeek that's geniuswomxn.co/sneakpeek. Go there before Wednesday, November 24th. To get your free access. All right now on to this episode with Brianna.
[00:02:37] Today's check-in With Brianna Wilson, who is an amazing, amazing person. And if you guys haven't heard our podcast episode with her, I highly recommended you can find it via the link in my profile. it was one of the best conversations with had Brianna has shared her story.
[00:02:55] Yulia: Uh, with us, how she left LA and the grind and the hustle of LA behind and how she moved to Mongolia and, you know, Georgia as well. I felt like we, we were definitely on the same wavelength on that podcast, you know? and so.
[00:03:12] Yeah, for sure. I know, right? Yeah, exactly. That's why I wanted to bring you as one of our first guests that we're checking in with, because I would love to hear, you know, since the podcast, which again, everyone who's watching this live, we're going to watch a play. Do check out the original podcast episode.
[00:03:30] It's season two and it's amazing. but since then so much has happened, right? It's been almost a year now and just a lot last thing. And then I'm going to shut up unless you speak. But long thing, when we checked in last, you were in Georgia. you were trying to get back to Mongolia, but you didn't know when that's going to happen.
[00:03:48] And I know that since then you've already went to Mongolia and it looks like you're back in Georgia now.
[00:03:53] Breanna: Yes.
[00:03:54] Yulia: So yes. Yes. So please, Rihanna. Welcome. Welcome. So excited to have you today and please tell us how are you and where are you and what's going on? Yeah, so the last
[00:04:05] Breanna: time we spoke, I was here at my apartment in Tbilisi.
[00:04:09] And I didn't know when I was going to get back to Mongolia. but I managed to go back in July and then July, August, September, and Mongolia getting my stuff sorted back there, adventuring around the country on a Overland car, camping adventure of my dreams. Uh, but also doing some business stuff and getting myself sorted there a bit.
[00:04:32] And I came back to
[00:04:33] Yulia: Tbilisi two weeks ago.
[00:04:37] Breanna: mostly because Mongolia in the winter is
[00:04:40] Yulia: cold. If not for the faint of heart, it's not for the faint of heart. I love that
[00:04:46] Breanna: country more than I love most. But that cold is serious. So, yeah. So I came back here and I'm going to spend the winter here and then head back to Mongolia, hopefully in may and do some overlanding trips, host some ladies there, get some stuff, going, do some motorcycle trips and yeah.
[00:05:07] Show some more people this country than I fucking.
[00:05:10] Yulia: Amazing.
[00:05:11] I find it very interesting. How both you and I have this? I don't know. What's the right word. Crossover is not the right word, but we're both travel writers, writers, photographers, content, creators, whatever, but we're both also running. For people to these places that we love.
[00:05:27] And I feel like it's such a, once you find that place that makes you feel this way, you want to share that beyond just writing articles about it is that I see. Yeah. and you realize that
[00:05:39] Breanna: these people see these places, but you see this thing that you realize most other people don't see and you want to show them that.
[00:05:46] And that's what I, I know you're doing. And I hope to do is to show people this side of a country that. It's hard. Otherwise it's not easily accessible. It's not easy to speak the language or get around. And I want to make it easy for people, especially
[00:06:01] Yulia: women. Yes, yes, yes. Cheers to that too. Oh my God. We're like.
[00:06:08] We're like sitting legs or something. I don't know. It's funny how we S we speak. you know, we, we speak in very similar terms. awesome for you're back in the beliefs now, is the winter there milder than Mongolia? Any winter? It's
[00:06:25] Breanna: pretty mild here. To big snows a year. it's cold. Otherwise it's not like it's, you know, beaches and sunshine all the time, but it's not bad. It's tolerable. I can still go hike. A lot of times I could still do a lot of things, which is what I like being a Mongolian. The winter is just hard because they can't be outside.
[00:06:47] I can't go do things freely. I can't just get in my car and drive and, you know, go to a national park and spend a day. Like it's really cold. It's really a lot.
[00:06:56] Yulia: So here it's more,
[00:06:57] Breanna: well, it's easier. It's a more manageable lifestyle. So that's why I like to spend time here in the winter. And yeah, there's a lot of sunshine, which is nice.
[00:07:05] Like today was a beautiful sunny day. So I took the us out. We went for a little drive and you know, it was stretch.
[00:07:12] Yulia: Hmm, four
[00:07:12] Breanna: wheeling legs and yeah, it was nice Tuesday. Today's Tuesday, right?
[00:07:17] Like
[00:07:18] Yulia: it was Tuesday. I know. Well, that's, that's the other thing, right? you know, cause we're sort of crossing over between all these different subjects and again, if you want a more structured, look inside Brianna's life.
[00:07:30] in the podcast episode we really discuss a lot of it. But, what I think, uh, you mentioned with your Tuesday comments, is that like, for me, at least that. Huge draws to pursuing this bad is that I'm totally in control of how my days and my weeks are going. Like, do I want to take Tuesday off to go into the natural park or national park?
[00:07:51] Or, you know, today I took a nap during the day because all of a sudden, I just got so tired, then I'm like, well, you know what, I'm just going to take a nap and that's it. I think people
[00:08:00] Breanna: ask me a lot, why I got into writing and why do the things that I do? I think I, when I like really think about it and I really like grind down to the hardcore answer it's that I wanted to create this lifestyle that created a freedom for me.
[00:08:15] Yes. And that's what I do every day. I mean, some days I can't. Right. And so I take the car out and I go on an adventure. Even if it's a little one, like just driving, I literally just drove a mile up my street and I have these back roads that I just go down and hilltops that I go to and stuff like that.
[00:08:32] It's not even anything crazy, but it's the freedom to be able to do that and not stress about it and not. Have a boss that I have to answer to because I left. That's pretend it's like, that is my nightmare right
[00:08:44] Yulia: now. So
[00:08:45] Breanna: it's not, I develop this lifestyle, you know, for specific passion for writing. It's a specific passion for just curiosity, I think.
[00:08:56] Yulia: Yeah. Yeah. No, it does. It absolutely does. And I love that. And same for me too. Right? Like I'm taking two months and living in Jordan now for two months because I can, because I don't have to have a desk that I am tied to, so I can do this, you know? and I think for me, at least the older I get the more.
[00:09:17] Crucial. It becomes for me to like, to really design my life. You know, it's, it's a, it's not a trendy word designing your life and your life, you know, because it's yeah. I mean, w w
[00:09:30] Breanna: well, don't do it. They don't, it's hard. It's hard to make that decision and it's hard to. Decide what you prioritize, like money is not a priority to me.
[00:09:41] Freedom is fan.
[00:09:43] Yulia: Oh my God. See, this is why
[00:09:46] Breanna: we always have these great conversations because
[00:09:49] Yulia: we just realized what
[00:09:50] Breanna: values these things hold to us, which is very different from most people. And that's fine. I'm not saying that like we're doing it right. Or someone else is doing it wrong. And just saying, for me, this is what.
[00:10:01] That's it. Yeah,
[00:10:02] Yulia: for sure. For sure. Awesome. Well, listen. Okay. So you are now in Belushi, you're going on hikes. You're you're writing and you're doing all that stuff. tell us about your, last time again, when we were at the, at the podcast, you were mentioning, that you were working on a hotel Mattel motorists hotel project.
[00:10:22] Breanna: Yes.
[00:10:23] Yulia: I came back here,
[00:10:25] Breanna: not specifically to work on that, but to kind of get some legs on that. I'm in a very beginning stage, I have never built a motel. I don't do numbers. I am a creative person, so I'm having a lot of conversations right now, trying to figure out the next best steps, where to do it. If anyone has any experiences.
[00:10:48] Send me a message we'd love to hear from you, but yeah, I'm going to start looking at properties, I think in the next few weeks and try to figure out something from there. I have a very clear vision on what I want.
[00:11:01] Yulia: I think I
[00:11:02] Breanna: can make it happen. I'm pretty positive and pretty like, optimistic about what this vision holds for me.
[00:11:09] And so I'm just going with it and everyone that I've shared it with has been super optimistic about it as well. So, so yeah, it's been very exciting. I mean, like I said, I am a writer. I write words for living. These
[00:11:24] Yulia: are not ways I do normally like
[00:11:26] Breanna: writing a financial outlook and plan is like very much beyond me, but it's been a very interesting, very exciting journey.
[00:11:34] So hopefully. I won't have anything to share within the next few months. It's a very long process I'm realizing, especially, but yeah, it's, it's still in the works. So I hope I can bring something to all of us soon.
[00:11:50] Yulia: Okay. It's amazing. Brianna. And I think riding with your son, first of all, I think the most important you have the most important part, which is the.
[00:11:58] And you have the second most important part, which is the bravery to just go ahead and dive in and start doing it and start figuring it out as you go. Because you know, that's what we actually need. I think that's, that's an entrepreneurial quality that's you? And I share because yes, I'm a writer and I'm a creator, but I'm also an entrepreneur, you know, I'm doing all these different things and I think that's what.
[00:12:19] Is it definition of an entrepreneur in my mind, at least it's, you know, I don't know how to write a business plan. I've never built a hotel. You know what? I'm just going to go ahead and figure this out and find people who can help me. And
[00:12:31] Breanna: I'm very open to here's the thing. I keep telling people and I keep just speaking it out loud for a few reasons, mostly to keep me accountable and to
[00:12:40] Yulia: make
[00:12:41] Breanna: me.
[00:12:42] Adjust what I'm saying, like based off of feedback and things like that, but people are providing this information that
[00:12:48] Yulia: is so
[00:12:49] Breanna: valuable
[00:12:50] Yulia: to me. And so just like, they're
[00:12:52] Breanna: just willing to be like, we see this, here's what you should do. And I go, oh yeah, that is what I should do. And it's, it's just been a very enlightening experience.
[00:13:00] I mean, if it doesn't
[00:13:02] Yulia: happen,
[00:13:02] Breanna: It's just not meant to be, but I feel like I just keep speaking it into truth and I keep speaking to existence and we're going to see where it takes me. I'm not, who knows. I mean, it's very exciting though. It's been a super fucking cool experience regardless of me even having done anything.
[00:13:21] But hopefully I have something to show for it soon. And I think that I will, I've had very interesting meetings and people involved. And
[00:13:27] Yulia: so, yeah, I feel very good about it. I love this. I love this Brianna. And what you said about speaking into existence, right? That's that's the magic. That's the key right there.
[00:13:37] It's all right. That's the
[00:13:38] Breanna: thing that most people don't do is they don't want to say it because then they feel accountable for it and they feel. Then they're pegged into a hole and it's true. And that's why I don't do a lot of things, but that's also why I did it is because I knew as soon as I said it, I had to fucking do it.
[00:13:53] And now.
[00:13:54] Yulia: So condensed. Cause then people like me ask you, well, you mentioned about this thing, so how is it tell us about it. So you have to men, you have to show that, Hey, I'm working on it, right. Actually then I to be like, oh yeah. Oh, okay.
[00:14:09] Breanna: Okay, great. Yeah. That thing. Yeah. But no, we're getting there. It's a long process and I'm getting clearer on the next steps that I have to take and what I need to do.
[00:14:19] And. Like
[00:14:20] Yulia: I said, anyone who has any advice,
[00:14:21] Breanna: very open to it, but yeah, it's been very exciting, very
[00:14:25] Yulia: eyeopening. So, yeah. That's amazing. That's awesome. You know, I was thinking about something. back again, I'm going to keep referring to our podcast episode with Brianna because everybody should listen to it because it's amazing.
[00:14:38] but something that you said over there was an, and that's definitely been my experience too, in this industry is how competitive it is and how you feel like you're always, fighting and competing for the same opportunity. And I've found that an entrepreneurial community is not like that actually it's much more like, Hey, you're working on something.
[00:14:58] Cool. Let us, let us see how we can support you, you know? has that been your experience as well in even pursuing this hotel project? Yeah. I
[00:15:06] Breanna: mean, I've, I've reached out to just random people here. That I casually know either through a first connection or a second connection or a third connection. And they've all been more than Stokes to just give me information and not like in a way that I feel like I owe them something.
[00:15:29] I mean, look, Georgia is great for that. Like, people here are just very happy to help and always very open and very like, what can we do for you? That's just the mentality in the community here. And that's part of why I like it here.
[00:15:42] but I never experienced that in the editorial world. I mean, I, I always wanted to mentor people who would guide me and it was always very close to.
[00:15:53] And I'm not saying that like, that's the community in general. I'm just saying that was my experience. And this is the exact opposite, which has given me a lot of confidence to kind of pursue it, which has been nice. And I'm just going to hold onto that and take that positivity. And I am a very optimistic person in general.
[00:16:12] I don't have time for pessimistic mentalities and this and that. So. When something presents itself in a way that this has I grasp it and I take it and I recognize that, that special and tell him, just go with it and
[00:16:29] Yulia: for better, for worse. I love that. I love that Brianna and it's a, it's exactly been my experience as well.
[00:16:35] And again, like you said, it may not be the experience of the industry as a whole, but for me as well, you know, for the most part of the past five years, working as a travel photographer and writer, I've been alone alone trying to figure this out. And I couldn't,
[00:16:50] Breanna: I'm always here for you.
[00:16:52] Yulia: Right.
[00:16:52] Yes. Yeah. And, you know, I was also looking for mentors. I was looking for people to show me the way and it felt like people were so just like that scarcity mode of, you know, if I'm going to share stuff with you or share resources with you, that means there's less for me. And
[00:17:09] Breanna: I escaped from, I didn't like that.
[00:17:12] That me versus you doggy dog. Like that mentality is just not for me. I think the world is big enough where we can all do our own thing and support each other. And that's what I want to create. I want to create a community, a place where that's acceptable, like, and by creating a motorist hotel, I mean, look, the motor industry is dominated by.
[00:17:34] That's a fact, but by creating a space where it allows women to have a space, not alone is just a step. And that's a place where there's a lot of, you know, leeway and, and openness. And, and I can create this community. That's at least not like full dickheads that are just closed off. Like, no, it's mine. It's ours.
[00:17:58] We're ride or die. Over lenders and adventure. Like, I don't want, I don't like that mentality. I don't want that at all. And it perpetuated, I don't want to support it. I don't want anything to do with it. So I want to create something different. So that's where I wanted
[00:18:10] Yulia: love it. I love it. And I think that's at least that's, you know, it's funny when you sort of get on a certain path, you start seeing signs of that path everywhere, you know, for me, since I've started genius women community.
[00:18:25] And you know, that is also the reason why I started is exactly for that reason, right? Because I wanted the space where we can share when we can support each other. And that created is
[00:18:35] Breanna: fucking amazing. So amazing people. I honestly bowed down to everything I am constantly in on. Are women and what you do, it's honestly amazing.
[00:18:47] Anyways, I'll stop
[00:18:48] Yulia: fan girling. Speaking of I'm working on a retreat for genius woman next year. So we got to talk more about that, but yeah. Okay. Yeah. So the path, right? So when you're on the spot, you start seeing signs of it everywhere signs that are supporting your vision, which actually why visualization works.
[00:19:09] If we, if you want to geek out a little bit, you know, I'm, I'm really individualization. And that's one of the reasons why it works, because when you give your brain that picture, that, you know, something that you want, that doesn't exist right now, then your subconsciousness, your brain starts looking for signs of that out there in the world that you haven't seen before, because you haven't been paying attention, you know?
[00:19:28] Um, but what was I going to say? Is that what I'm seeing now is this collective, rise in awareness. Of a feminine way of doing things. And when I say feminine, I don't, I don't mean like, you know, feminine in a stereotypical way that we think of feminine, but I think of embracing of community, of healing of who we are eating.
[00:19:51] Yeah. And I see that, I see that in all kinds of different places and all kinds of different spaces. You know, kind of different conversations. And I do think that collectively something's happening in the world where people are like, hold on this capitalism, this, this crop is running us into the ground.
[00:20:07] We have to do things differently, really like on a ground level, we have to do things differently. and it's exciting really.
[00:20:13] Breanna: It hasn't worked. I mean, I think that people are more. Depressed and, you know, stuck in their old mentalities more than ever. And if I can help someone celebrate a new way to get out of that, I'm fucking there for it.
[00:20:29] And I love it. It's scary. And look, every step I've ever taken has been not easy, not conventionally accepted, not that. I've taken, but I've just gone for it. I am a very specific personality that it's, I just set my mind to it and I do it. And I realized that that's not for everyone, but if someone needs that help, just send me a message or say, I'm here.
[00:20:54] I want to help. I want to tell people that it's not as hard and overwhelming as you make them. I've done a lot of scary shit in my life, but it's not as scary as you think it is. You just have to pull the trigger and do it. And so the more people I can convince that that is the case, the better, I think
[00:21:13] Yulia: I love that Brianna you're so right.
[00:21:15] You're so right. Because a lot of the fears are in our minds. Yeah, exactly. I mean, you, you said it, you said it so well, we need to put it on a t-shirt somewhere if that's, you know, that's, that's the thing it's
[00:21:26] Breanna: but it's not just in our minds. I mean, very, since it's like society tells you that you can't do a lot of these things.
[00:21:33] I mean, I've tried that who has done the street and
[00:21:35] Yulia: these old men in the neighborhood looking at me
[00:21:38] Breanna: and they're like, okay, I'm sorry you're
[00:21:39] Yulia: doing what?
[00:21:40] Like, yeah, what's accepted here
[00:21:44] Breanna: and it's not just here. I'm just using that as an example, but you're
[00:21:48] Yulia: right. I mean, you're
[00:21:50] Breanna: in Jordan, you get it on. Most people must look at you and go, what are you doing? You're crazy that you can't do that. That's not possible. And you're like, it is.
[00:21:59] Yulia: I mean states too. I mean, everywhere, you know, there are so many constraints that we put on ourselves and that society puts on us as well, that, you know, I think it's prevalent in many places around the world.
[00:22:12] I want to actually, I want to just take a moment and, read some comments that we have. So we have so many wonderful comments here and, um, While we do guys. You think about a question that you want to ask Brianna because Brianna is amazing and Let's see, uh, let's see if you have any questions that you want to ask her about her bath, about anything really, um, uh, nice to see you.
[00:22:36] Yulia: I don't know. What's your name? Our goal, maybe, or goal? Martin dads. Let's see. Who else has left the comments for us here? oh, somebody is asking me if we can translate this into Russian. Maybe later, maybe later I, Brianna is saying hello from Canada. Hi, Andriana. It's so nice to see you. Uh, Tommy is calling Brianna at boss lady arrives or ride bad-ass Brianna from Jenny and the Lacey.
[00:23:00] Breanna: Jenny. Very dope newsletter here in Tbilisi. It's called today in Tbilisi. She will leave it in the comments, uh, but everyone should drive to it because it tells you everything that's going on here during the week. It's actually how I find things to do here. It's very nice, actually. So she is a very dope being that does cool stuff here.
[00:23:22] Yulia: That's awesome. Really cool. Uh it's it's Emiley it's ML yoga. Sorry. I scrub I'm probably butchering all these, but, uh, is asking is delicious. Nice to settle in for a few months. Is it easy to go on winter adventure? Is there?
[00:23:35] Breanna: Yes, it is. We have very nice mountains and winter destinations, but. Yeah, the city is very mild.
[00:23:42] So if you're not so into snow and cold, you can hang out here, go to bars, go to nice restaurants or even go to the mountains. Like black Morrow has Begbie and go skiing and do very snowy centric adventures. But yeah, it's a great place to be in the winter for sure.
[00:24:02] Yulia: I have to visit you. And as Jenny's. Oh, yeah.
[00:24:07] Yeah. Jenny's newsletter is ads today in the belief that GE, so you guys go check this out, through Nicole, Mike is asking, I might have missed it. Where do you want your hotel to be?
[00:24:19] Breanna: it's a secret bike. No, just kidding. I was thinking I wasn't. Here in Tbilisi, but I think now I want to in a different city here in Georgia or a few different, and based off of a few different conversations that I've had.
[00:24:34] but yeah, it will still be the same motor centric motel concept I have in mind. That's really cool. Do you have any ideas for me? Let me know.
[00:24:44] Yulia: and I just want to read out this comment that is also from Jenny, who says that creativity and invention rules in the entrepreneurial community, zero scarcity here.
[00:24:54] Yeah. That's what I feel too. Like every time I'm, you know, part of those entrepreneurial, you know, circles myself. Yeah. I totally, I totally feel that. So, and, and I'm also. I think it depends on us to start changing things in the travel journalism community too, because that's what I always speak about when I speak is that, Hey guys, we don't need to be operating in this care city mindset.
[00:25:19] We are all so unique. We have such unique stories to tell and that, and, and, it's not just, you know, it's not just lip service, actually. We actually. in the, in the community, we have these, uh, monthly calls where we, we do brainstorming ideas. We do idea brainstorming. And even when we're looking at the same destination, the ideas that we come up with are also different because we're all interested in different things.
[00:25:43] And, you know, we have very different experiences from each other. So even our angles. It's all very different. And so that's where I'm like, I'm not competing with anyone else because what I'm talking about is so different from what other people are talking about, you know, exactly it's up to us to start changing them.
[00:25:59] Breanna: For sure. I mean, I think if we moved away from this mentality that it's me versus you versus me and you, how can we support each other? It would fucking change the world. I mean, that's like a imagine all the people type scenario, but I think that that's the weird B it's like, it doesn't have to be this doggy dog world.
[00:26:22] Like I would rather support someone and have equal shares for everyone. Then, you know, may trample over you and be a shitty person.
[00:26:32] Yulia: Yeah, for sure, for sure. And we share that view. So that's another reason why we connect so well. It's amazing. Um, friends, any more questions for Brianna? leave your questions in the comments.
[00:26:45] Don't be shy. we're going to hang out for. Another five to 10 minutes and, uh, answer your questions. And it's getting really dark here. I like planned it so poorly that when I came out, it was nice outside. And now it's just, I don't know. Can you see me? I'm like this would be pouring into the darkness right here.
[00:27:05] Can you see me or no? Yeah, of course. Okay. Oh,
[00:27:08] Breanna: it looks nice. You have nice trees behind you. You're on a nice patio.
[00:27:13] Yulia: Yeah, it's very, it's very nice. And, yeah, the, the closer prayer was actually going, for the most part of our conversation. Even though you guys probably been in the here. Cause you know, I'm, I'm having headphones on, but it was just an amazing, we didn't hear it.
[00:27:27] That is
[00:27:28] Breanna: he part of being in countries like that. Is that just, it just stops you in your tracks and you go, oh, it's just very special. I mean, that's, that's part of the joy of traveling is those experiences and those sounds,
[00:27:42] Yulia: yeah. What
[00:27:43] Breanna: have you eaten? Wait, tell me more.
[00:27:48] Yulia: Oh my God. So I had, oh my God, you Brianna. And this is like, so I had my, the most amazing meal. I've been coming to Jordan for many years now. And I've had, I've been to Jordan many times, you know, but on this trip with my group, I had the most amazing meal. We were in the desert with the Bedouin community.
[00:28:08] For launch, we went and saw a family.
[00:28:11] It would be so amazing if you could join us. But, so, so there's this couple, it's a man and a woman. They live in a tent in the desert. it's, you know, it's the bettering lifestyle. younger folks live in the villages now, but older folks. So choose to live in the tense as they did for four years and years, you know?
[00:28:30] And so we came, we drove for like 25 minutes through the desert, you know, deep in the desert. And the man was so excited to see us. He was making coffee and see if he said he couldn't sleep the night before, because he was so excited because he knew we were coming, you know, and the woman, his wife, she made us Monsalve, which months app is a traditional.
[00:28:50] traditional Jordanian dish of rice and meat, and demean yogurt. It's very good. It's really, really good, but it was amazing this woman, how she made it, and I don't know what she did that made it so amazing, but it was just the most amazing meal I had here in Jordan. You know, it was made with love.
[00:29:08] Yeah, for sure. For sure. The love and the wind of the desert, because she was making it right there in the desert, you know? We were eating it with our hands. We were all sitting around this huge, uh, plate and eating it and yeah, it was just really, really super, super awesome. I'm still thinking about that.
[00:29:25] This now it's been a week since
[00:29:28] Breanna: what kind of tent is it? Is it like a camp? Is it so is
[00:29:32] Yulia: this similar to. Not so much. No, it's, well, in a sense that it's like a wooden structure and then there is like a canvas stretched across it. Yes. But it's, it's very different. It's like, it's more rectangular than round.
[00:29:47] and it's made with, gold hair Canva that they make as black, black, and white. Uh, it's really cool. Can you. I can, yeah, I have some pictures I actually have. Yeah. I have pictures of it on my profile. Like
[00:30:01] Breanna: I want to compare it to a gear.
[00:30:02] Yulia: yeah, it's, it's quite different from a Garrett. The concept is the same because it's, you know, it's wooden structure and then the canvas stretched over it.
[00:30:10] But how it looks is quite a different,
[00:30:14] Breanna: do they move with the seasons? Like the
[00:30:16] Yulia: Mongolians. They do, they do move. Yeah, they move. Well, it really depends on each family's individual situation. Um,well, that's actually a good question because I know he has, But I don't think they cover as big distances as you know, what, what the, um, the nomadic herders in Mongolia do.
[00:30:38] Although that's also changing. I know because the family I stayed with in Mongolia, who was also nomadic herders, they were telling us that they don't move big distances. Now they sort of stay around because they want to access. You know, healthcare and trops in the village, for example. So they w they don't move far.
[00:30:57] They just sort of stay in the area, you know? Um, they're there,
[00:31:00] Breanna: they're moving less and less, and yeah. But
[00:31:03] Yulia: yeah,
[00:31:04] Breanna: there's a lot of reasons to get to these places now, because things are changing. Yeah,
[00:31:09] Yulia: exactly. Yeah. And we talked about this with them as well, because you know, he, he has 10 sons, this man that was hosting us and all the 10 sons, they live in the village, they don't live in the tents, you know, which
[00:31:21] Breanna: is the thing to do for a lot of them.
[00:31:23] I mean, yeah. A lot of our friends it's like the kids, it's cool to go to the city and they find bigger opportunities and it's easier and the snap, but at the same time you lose the culture. It's hard. I have a very hard time coming to terms with me wanting to preserve this culture and like, oh, it's so cool.
[00:31:43] And then at the same time, realizing it's really hard and like, I couldn't do it. So why do I want them to do it? It's it's I have a lot of questions in these scenarios. It's very interesting. I opening it that way. It is
[00:31:56] Yulia: It definitely is. friends. I think we're going to start wrapping up here.
[00:32:01] I'm afraid I'm going to just turn into a pumpkin now because it's becoming so dark here. it's been so wonderful to have you on and like always, you are just such a re. Really sunshine and positivity and bravery. We have to literally like meet in person soon and take over the world or something.
[00:32:22] Everyone else they're all invited. Everyone is invited. So are taking the world party with Rianna? Yes. Yes.
[00:32:28] Breanna: We'll make
[00:32:29] Yulia: it happen. Definitely. And I'm really excited to, to hear about all the things that you're working on and Georgia and in Mongolia too. That's just so, so awesome. and. yeah, let's, let's check in again.
[00:32:43] And if there's anything I can help you with with your hotel project too. I mean, I don't know. I have no experience in that as well, but if there's anything that you needs or, or even just a sounding board, you know, just a sounding board, sometimes it's also helpful. and I really I'm happy. Yeah.
[00:33:00] Breanna: Seriously.
[00:33:01] Yulia: Amazing. Amazing. I don't know what I'm doing either. nobody does. That's the beauty. Right? And we just have to be brave in acknowledging that because people put up a show, they put up a France a lot of times, but listen, we not, all of us know what we're doing, but we're doing it anyway. And we were having fun along the way and living as true to ourselves as we can, I guess.
[00:33:22] And that's, that's live. That's the beauty of it, you know? Exactly.
[00:33:26] Breanna: Exactly. Well, thank you. I really, really, really appreciate that. As always you are still my most treasured human being.
[00:33:33] Yulia: Thank you. Same, same banana. Thank you so much. Oh my gosh. It's going to be epic. It's going to be amazing. Yeah, it's going to be really cool.
[00:33:42] Either Georgia or Mongolia or Jordan, one of those three places somewhere.
[00:33:47] Breanna: I got chills.
[00:33:49] Yulia: And thanks to everyone who's joined us too. Thank you guys so much for listening to us for, for this almost hour now, and please do check out the podcast episode that we did with Brianna. Seriously. It's it's really cool. Uh, she shares a lot of wisdom and beauty on this podcast.
[00:34:05] and, we are so excited to have her there and to have her here again. So they, um, I will post this later as a, as a replay. So you guys can check it out again and thank you so much. Brianna enjoyed the beliefs and winter in Georgia. Uh, stay warm, stay inspiring and we'll connect with you very, very soon.
[00:34:26] Yulia: Thank you.
[00:34:26] Breanna: And we will talk soon then. Yeah. Anyone who has any questions feel free
[00:34:30] Yulia: to send me a DM. Yay. Awesome. Thanks guys. Thank you Tuesday evening. Bye everyone.
[00:34:37] Thank you so much for listening. I hope you enjoy catching up with Brianna as much as I can. And don't forget, you still have time to access the sneak preview of my storytellers in action class and get the first module for free. When you register at geniuswomxn.co/sneakpeek go there before Wednesday, November 24th, to get your free access.
[00:35:00] Thanks again. And I'll see you next week for a very special episode in which we get to meet one of our storytellers in action students.